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What To Expect...

At Bonlee Baptist, we have people of all ages and backgrounds.  Here you will find a place of warm, welcoming, loving fellowship with our members.  Everyone is welcome to join us!


Below you'll find some helpful information regarding specific questions you may have about your visit to our church.


Where do I park?  We have guest parking near the education building entrance by the welcome center in the side parking lot.  We also have parking in the parking lot across the street in front of the main sanctuary and at the top of the parking lot by the Hope building.  Signs are posted to help guide you to our nursery, Bible study rooms, and our sanctuary.  Our fellowship hall, youth room, and food pantry are located in the Hope building (brick church building behind the main church at the top of the parking lot).


What should I wear?  We do not have a dress code, but the following will help you to determine the general dress of our members.  You will find business casual to business style dress for morning worship.  Wednesday evenings are more casual.


Where should my children go?  We have nursery available for newborn through 2 years old and Children's church for 3-10 years old on Sunday morning.  Our teens attend Sunday morning worship in the sanctuary.  We also have Bible study classes available for all ages.  Youth group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.  More information here.


Where are the restrooms?  Restrooms are located in the education building through the hallway at the back of the sanctuary next to the welcome center and in the fellowship hall in the downstairs of the Hope building. 


What is worship like?  Our worship is fairly traditional.  We have congregational hymns, some newer choir songs and special music, prayer, and preaching as part of our worship.  Our heart is to live a lifestyle of worship through the whole week, not just on Sunday mornings.


Which Bible Study class should I attend?  We have Bible study classes available for all ages and friendly church members who will help you find the right place for you and your family!


We can't wait to see you!


Neon Hello

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